From Charcoal Commanders to Water and Environment Champions

The water sector in Pan Africa faces various challenges, particularly in overcoming gender-related issues. However, through stakeholder engagement and the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), positive changes can be achieved. This success story highlights the transformation of the Maasai Women Environment Conservation Champions (MWECC) in Narok, Kenya, who shifted from being charcoal burners…

Journey of Water: Uniting Communities, Nurturing Life in Kenya’s Ewaso Ngiro Basin

In the heartland of Kenya’s enchanting Ewaso Ngiro River basin, a movement of epic proportions unfolds—the “Journey of Water.” Led by WWF Kenya in partnership with the esteemed Lata Network (Center for Social Planning and Administrative Development), this extraordinary campaign emerges to awaken the world to the untold wonders of water. It sets the stage…